Overcoming Adversity...

Overcoming adversity...

Adversity can represent so many different things, but nonetheless, it always becomes a challenge you have to bring yourself to defeat, overcome and most importantly survive. It can weigh on you or even feel like it ultimately defeats you, but it takes a certain will within yourself to pull out of the situation and be that survivor.

I’m not writing this for any specific reason, but a lot around me lately has been related. Friends, family, situations that are very difficult, insane decisions, and so on... adversity is that enormous animal we all have to face and deal with at some point and time. Although it’s considered a bad thing, try a different approach. What if adversity was a tough challenge that made you better when you’re out of it? What if it’s a higher power testing your faith? What if it destroys you, but what if it doesn’t? This is where my head is currently. Facing these questions and facts...

I’ve always identified adversity as a sports term that football QBs use when they’re trying to conduct a somewhat intellectual interview, but it means much more to me now. I’ve learned from all my years since, that it applies to all aspects of life! Being a dad, being a good husband, providing for family, working your hardest, being a good person, staying true to your faith, making good decisions and facing every single doubt and or questionable situation that presents itself while trying to do all of these things.

So, what do we do? Is there some type of algorithm than can help us figure out what to follow, abide by and do? Nope! It’s within us and we have to find it to make all things work. I used to be so closed off from people’s help and opinions with what to do until a few things worked and even then, I’m still struggling with it.

I had to listen to people and their thoughts to center myself. There’s been many that have helped, and some who’ve impacted this process for me. A close person to me told me to focus on 100 things that bring joy to my life and challenged me to write them down to see if I can make it to 100!? I have 20 something so far, but whatever. I get the point! When I’m trying to figure out all the things that make me happy, my mind is absent minded to the bs I would normally be dwelling on and I’m thinking of more things that contribute to more happiness.

I have someone else close to me (sorry I’m not naming them) that has encouraged vision boards, podcasts and all kinds of other stuff and something I’ve realized about all of this is I’m surrounded by people that truly care about me and believe in me. All the exercises can’t create the feeling I get from that.

I rant and get on these tirades all the damn time, but if I don’t write about it, it stays buried inside and does nothing for anyone and even if it only helps me and no one else, that makes me sad. However if someone can relate and get anything from this, my heart will feel full!!

I know I started with adversity, but I think it turned into so much more. Adversity could be getting a flat tire while running late to work, which is part of life and for the sake of being pragmatic, that shit is gonna happen.

The point is, no what type of adversity you face, know that you have the fight in you to overcome it.

🖤 B