
"When Angels Die"
A Poem by S.J.L.

Welcome to the Land of Make Believe
Where Friends Become Haters
And devil's Disguised as Angels
Smile with Fake Grins Who Only Reap
In Hopes to Kill The Fire,The Fire Beneath
To Forsake a Heart's Desire, To Bleed,
To Wound, To Take a Lover's Dream...
Trust me, They've Shaken My Hand as they Stab Me in the Back While Lost at Sea
Constant Deceit and Devious False Prophecy
A Devil's Last Blasphemy Blanketed With Their Trick made "Trust Me's" and Dark Spelled Flattery
Turning a Self Defense Case and Saving Lives into a 1st Degree Assault and Battery
Attempt After Attempt to Fuck a Dreamer The Fuck Up!
Honestly? Everyday's a Blessing Lately cuz
They're Closin in, My Ancient Soul they Seek,
Im Collapsing, Feelin Weak, Catchin Crazy,
This Body, My Temple, There's Been a Breach!!!
Then I heard Laughter followed by what could only be a Mockery, a Cynical Dibolicy
Hypocrisy, The Songs of Tortured Angels As Demons Sunk Their Teeth into Something
So Holy... Tears Forced Uncontrollably Across The Universe As the devil's Army Sank Their Teeth Into Their Dungeon-Filled of Earthly Guardian Angels As Holy Blood Now Spilt Openly As These Demons Proceeded To Shred Each Set of A Most Divine and Symbolic Infinity
A Timeless Symphony...
War Is Coming Humanity...
For The Tortured Cries Of Angels
Is One Thing to The God of Everything
From Land to Sea Amongst the Waves of Unforeseen Infinities; The Almighty...
The ONLY Granter of Grace and Mercy...
Trust Me, The devil is Already Assembling
He has just Damned The "D" in Evil
The Devil Knows What He Is Doing...
Ever Diabolically and Symbolically The Devil and his Followings Are Killing Immortals
Killing Angels...
The Psalms of Time have Tipped Ita Glass..
The River Jordan Bleeds As David's Harp Unstrings...
How Dare They But They Did,
How Dare You Demons, Your Satan and Undead...
How Dare You Eat!
How Dare You Sink Your Filthy Teeth
Into Such a Beings Sacred Wings
Now From Angels Death to Angel Dust
Infinity is Open Due to Immortal Deaths
May God Have Mercy On Us All
For Only He Knows What's Next....

- Sam I Am