Save Me From Nothing

Save Me From Nothing

By: Theresia

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To slowly become present to reality in its current state can incapacitate your very being with self-hate driven by escaping the edge of my emotional and mental state...

The answers are all the same it will be ok in growth by multiple degrees based on chunks of lengthened time when details merely shift in my mind....

Perspectives are blind when viewed by an outsider’s mind who merely reads between their own twisted vines of lines...

The pain is the festering kind, leaving the soul defined by the hollowness inside fine-tuned to consume space and time crossing spectrums of reason by rhythms which rhyme

Judgements by others is how we're defined to those walking past our inherit presence when created with grace to be divine

The minds crime presents the recollection of our prior failed attempts to shine like its occurring for the first heartbreaking time... Catching my  breath before I collapse elevates strategic warfare of heart vs mind.

Thoughts racing rapidly with relief by the  inability to plant mental roots sending shockwaves to a heart burdened by the capacity of my love...