The Depths

The depths of despair exhausts all aspects of my lungs filling with air

forever young.jpg

Deep hollow gulps swallowing any release of tears born in fear

A choice made in my head resulting in mistakes carried by my heart...

Whether begin or start the outcome isn’t even perceived to lay the part it’s a judgment aimed lime fiery darts.

The bleak ability to trudge thru the day is blissful once the disgraceful moral hypocrites lay in bought splendors...

The fear to hear the broken will within poses inner spiritual conundrum...

The strength to wake can be the bit for deaths take....

They sit upon their mountain of illusion where exposing the truth derives self-dissolution....

I lost myself following the rules while im chastised for slippin back thru...

The abuse they inflict upon ones being is far worse than any ive seen...

By: Theresia