The title of this blog entry represents numerous things, but only one person… One person in my honest opinion that can only be described as EVIL.
I’ve always been a firm believer in the saying “everything happens for a reason,” but the process that one must go through to get to that place can be extremely painful.
I’m currently watching one of my closest friends that I consider family go through one of the hardest things life can throw at you, but that’s not even what this is about. This, my friends, is exposing what LIES within, when living a LIE…
In this case, what lies within, is a monster with a soul full of spite and venom. A leach that’s finally done sucking, a plague that is now growing rapidly and none other than a blackened cold heart full of greed and revenge.
This cold hearted individual used to be considered family, but when you live a lie and true colors show, be prepared for the outcome. When you hurt the people closest to you, not on accident, but by a well structured thought out plan, be prepared for war. The outside may look good from a far, but what lies within can be dangerous. When you put on a show to placate yourself as good and kind hearted person, but inside is pure evil, there is zero space for you in my life or surroundings. The type of hate and evil that I’ve discovered is unacceptable and unforgivable. Although one day I will have to forgive, this will never be forgotten.
You came at not only my dear friend with your actions, you came at all of us that are a part of this unique family. I’m sure you haven’t truly realized what you’ve done and what deviation is to come, but you will. Good luck with that, by the way! It’s going to be a super tough pill to swallow, or maybe just pivot, preach, stump on your little soapbox of lies. Hide behind the rhetoric you spew to cover the spiteful viciousness that’s inside that you’re so desperately trying to hide.
I do have some advice for you. It’s not a secret, I’m almost certain most people are aware of this, but control is an illusion, little miss imperious. Just when you thought you had it all figured out with this one sided delusional mindset, it has only just begun.
One thing that is unbreakable, is this family you’re attempting to wreck. Not going to happen on anyone’s watch. In the end, you will get what you deserve and what you ultimately desire. However, it will come at a costly price and just remember, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED. Don’t live a lie…
Everything happens for a reason, I hope you realize that one day and I honestly wish you well, but where and when this moment surfaces, take a good look around, gather your bearings and hope to god it was worth it.
forever undone,
A bid farewell…