Getting some thoughts out of my head...
My mind has no speed limit, it’s racing all of time. It helps to just get it out, so...
I don’t know about anyone else, but I find myself thinking about happiness a lot. What is it? What does it mean to me? Have I reached a point in my life where I think I’ve hit the level of true happiness? What about my friends and family?? This is just a tiny piece of what’s going on up there in my head, but can quickly consume me for a hot minute.
So, what defines happiness? I can only answer for myself because I think only the individual can in search of said happiness can answer the question. Here’s my go at it for
I can start by saying all the materialistic things in life are only contributing factors. Money, vehicles, jewelry, electronics and so on only make you happy for a very short period of time. The happiness I’m referring to will be with you forever and it can’t be bought. I’m talking about a lifetime of happiness that runs throughout your body like energy. You can definitely feel it.
I don’t really know the exact day that it hit me, but I find myself lost in it all the damn time. When you hit a point in your marriage and you sort of get lost looking at your wife/partner on their worst day and you realize how much you fall more in love with them every single day, boom happiness!! My wife keeps me grounded. She’s the foundation of our family. I say it all the time, but I’d be a complete mess without her. She’s my forever and ever. Words truly can’t describe how in love with her I am and the more time that passes, it only gets more intense!! I don’t know if it’s the fact that been together for almost a decade or if it’s age? And, I don’t care, I love that woman!!
Now my Sadie Bug... All parents think their kids are the best on the planet and to us Sadie is the best little girl, but that’s not all. This little girl is kind, smart as hell, respectful, sweet, loving and her hugs cure most things! To say she is just a part of the makeup of my happiness is an understatement. This girl has complete control of me lol, but it’s ok. I LOVE IT!! She has these characteristics that make her seem like a kind hearted adult and I truly feel these were instilled in her by our amazing and loving family. This girl can jerk tears out of me by doing just about anything. To say I’m proud of her and who she’s becoming is to hard to explain. She did give me the biggest job of my life, being her Daddy and I do the best job that I possible can
This is getting too long lol. I could go on and on about things that make my happiness real, but I’ll try shorten my explanation a bit. I have the most wonderful in-laws anyone could ask for. It’s like they’ve been my family my entire life. They’re a blessing and I couldn’t imagine life without them.
In closing, all of this takes tremendous effort. You have to want it. You have to work to get there and you have to fail many times during the process. I believe you have to put 100% of your heart and mind into a career where you can achieve true success and 100% of your heart and mind into your family, friends and your entire personal life. Embrace the tough stuff like, humility, compassion and emotions in general. Do you! Be a good person, help people when you can and always be kind. I’ve learned something very important while on my little journey here and being kind to everyone goes a long way. Remember, the possibility of every single person you encounter whether at work or out and about could be struggling with something you or I know nothing about or could understand. We need to lift those folks up and not take them down. This goes for all walks of life, if you embrace all of this, man, it makes you feel amazing and good things just come.
I feel so bad if anyone read this entire thing, but if you’re here, thank you! Like I said, getting stuff like this out of my head is part of my process and the thought that someone could read this and it helps them with anything in their life, brings me tremendous joy.
I’m an emotional dude and I can’t help that, but the best thing for me to do is embrace the hell out of it and be me. I hope this all makes sense lol. I might be all over the place, but this is absolutely from my heart.