Breaking Up with Pain

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Today I realized out of the problems in life we face,
The most difficult ones are often the ones we create
The ones we choose to give power to rather than deflate
See this leaves me amazed because at the end of the day
I have always been the one refusing to let things go away
Then I'd search for all the reasons that i can find myself to blame
Then in my head they'd build and stay
For those problems i cant control but that i always had the power to change
The ones i faced that i could calm and tame
Instead I'd find myself falling
Falling in Love with Pain...
Falling in Love with the Storms in our lives that bring us Rain...
Rain.. What a Beautiful Creation that our Eyes can both give Flow to and be able to somehow Hold and Maintain
Now THAT i cannot change
For it is what made me the man i am today
The person i became
But i don’t have to be who i was yesterday
Instead i can choose to live for today..
Instead i can choose to Fight instead of Chasing the Rain
Today is not yesterday
And tomorrow has yet to come
So today i choose to live, not worrying about what tomorrow may bring, and not hurting myself for what my yesterdays' have Done
Today I choose to live for i know of my strength through the battles I've faced
and i know of my love through the lives it has changed and for who all who have stayed
We have the power to be anything our wildest imaginations can create
All that is truly in our way is ourselves and a life of Finding out then Knowing what it takes
To fly, to soar rather than to swim back and forth everyday.
Today i am Awake to the differences in those in life I've Made,
the differences i can Make,
what Success Takes,
that we are always On Time for it is our Life therefore how can we be Late when we are in charge of the Choices that ultimately Decide our Fate?
So let's Live for Today after all it is our Destiny that Awaits.

Sam I Am