By: Remaining Nameless
So, you are walking down the street one day and a bus hits you, not a real bus but worse, a metaphorical one. This bus is rolling over everything in its way, it’s about to hit you, what do you do? Well you have 2 choices, accept that there is nothing you can do and embrace the horror. You have to accept that you are a victim in this and that even though there was another option, you are choosing this one. Or the other choice, knock the fucking bus over! Refuse to be a victim, refuse to accept that you had no choice, refuse to sit back and take it, CHOOSE!
At some point or another in all of our lives we are presented with this metaphor, there is a bus about to run you over, it might have already happened, or it could be in your future. The point is, there is always an option and while the option seems crazy, it is an option. Now I’m not saying walk in front of a real bus and try stop it! I’m saying that horrible shit is going to happen in your life and you have a choice. You are either the victim or you fight through it. It’s very easy to be the victim, to sit back and point fingers, tell everyone how unfair that bus is. Honestly, it’s something all of us have done. However, it’s when you decide to fight back, when you say NO, that’s when you learn how to run the bus over!
How do we do this? Sadly, there is no cookie-cutter method for finding the inner strength, no sure fire way to awaken the Phoenix in you. When you think about it, there are buses trying to hit you every day, just smaller and less lethal. Now why don’t those buses intimidate and terrify us the way the big one does? It’s because as a human being, you are programed to instinctively fight or flight, to decide when enough is enough. That is why the little buses seem completely irrelevant most of the time. Think about it, if you drop a cup of coffee in your kitchen, do you stand there and fall to pieces yourself or do you grab a paper towel and clean up the mess?
Now I know this bus is way bigger than some spilled latte, but the end decision is the same, accept or refuse. This bus is scary though, this decision is going to be one that you live with for the rest of your life, either way. It’s not a snap decision most of the time either, this is a huge bus after all! And make no mistake, it’s going to hurt either way, it’s going to hurt bad. This bus is going to leave its mark on you for the rest of your life. The pain is important in this, it’s there no matter what you decide, it will be there to constantly remind you about the consequences of your decision and that’s a good thing. The bus is supposed to hurt, because if there isn’t pain, there can’t be the growth that is necessary. The pain gives you the affirmation that you in fact made either the correct choice, or you fucked up! We all deal with pain differently, but one thing is constant, we all deal with pain. The pain is something that will keep you awake at night, make you not want to eat, mess with your thoughts, and worse. This part sucks, but again, you need the pain! You have to be able to look yourself in the mirror and not only know that you will beat this bus but also that you want that pain.
This bus has many different drivers…. Death, Divorce, Loss, Depression, Drugs, etc. All equally painful and all capable of flattening you! This isn’t going to be a quick fight either, it’s going to be the fight of your life. It’s going to test relationships, some will grow stronger others will crumble, it will also test your internal fortitude. This bus isn’t going to hold up if you say time-out, it’s only going to go faster! Remember this bus has no brakes, well actually it does have brakes but fuck you, that’s the reality! You want help, you have to first be willing to stand up and help yourself. This is the fight of your life, you have to decide if you stand up or sit back and let it happen, me personally… Fuck That BUS!!!!!!!
I read this quote the other day and it really resonated in me on several levels and I think it’s fitting to wrap this up with it. It’s a quote from Keanu Reeves…
“Falling in love is a feeling. Loving someone (building a relationship) is a daily choice. Emphasis on the word Daily. Many mistake the feeling of love with the actual work of loving someone. If your definition of loving someone is only dependent on the feeling, good luck. Because feelings fluctuate and your relationship will be short lived. Many allow themselves to check out or leave a relationship because feelings are changing or fading (yes, I am guilty of this as well) but that is not enough to leave. If that were the case, no one would have relationships over two years. So you have to choose, every day, to love or not love. To flames. To put in work. To look inward. Some days it will be easy and some days it will be difficult. But every day is a choice. That’s what building a relationship looks like. Everyone wants a relationship but not everyone is willing to make that daily choice, the action of loving whether they feel “in love” or not. Yes of course attraction is important and you shouldn’t compromise on that but it’s only the ticket into the park. So ask yourself if you just want the feeling of love or if you actually want to build something. Because they are very different things. Just because you have one doesn’t mean you’ll have the other.”
Everyday is a choice, a choice You Have To MAKE!!!! I’ve made my choice, what’s yours?