"Learning to Fly"
By S.J.L. 03/03/2019
I just wanna liiivee
I just wanna dieeee
I just wanna liiiivee
I just wanna flyyyy
Can't you see??..
Can't you see what your doing here to me
All these painful tears your screaming silence brings?!
The naked woods and violent trees
We sing a lowly lonely symphony
Echoes of insanity sing constantly as distant church bells ring
Can't you see..
Can't you see???
This is my soul
This is my humanity
Teardrops of my sanity
A yelling silence of my unspoken profanity
I just wanna live
I just wanna die
I just wanna liiiiivee
I really wanna fly..
The stars keep soaring
they're passing me by
As the world sleeps i die slowly inside
To the skies and space i just wanna fly
With Constellations to confide
Hearts to collide
I cannot stop this wave roaring tide
Fire to blaze like lonely dreamers in the night
Fight Fight Fight!!!
I just wanna liiiiivee
I just wanna diiieee
I just wanna liveeee
I just wanna flyyyyy
My heart's desire
My soul's on fire
God set me free
But you Darling, You let me go
When there was still hope
You left me to drown in waters so cold
When i would rescue you you wouldn't do the same
I hurt my soul FOR YOU
But you just wouldn't listen, You didn't understand i never had a choice in that path to choose
Destiny is proof
Can't you see
Can't you see the beauty in Truth?
Can't you see the beauty in my Old Soul's glistening Youth?
You chose my heart to shoot
But God saved me he changed me and took the wound
He made me bulletproof
I was the rooster of the chicken coop
And you the only chicken who made me "cockadoooodledoo"
Can't you see? Can't you see?
Take a second glance and maybe then you'll see..
what you've done to me
Can't you see?
can't you see?!?!
I just wanna Live
You said you'd hate to see me Dead
Give me another lineup to replace the lines you fed
All the worthless words you said
Can't you see? Can't You See?!?
I just wanna Liveee
I just wanna Diee
I'm Learning how to Fly
So im just gonna Liveeee
Knowing you want me Deaaad
You've Awoken the Flame of the Dragon's Breath
You left while you were ahead
I'll be the selfless one and use my Fire to Fly instead
I'll Love the world like God had Meant
I'll love the world like God had Meant
I know your somewhere doing the same
But you took my ideas in Love I'd Lend
and You left my heart and soul Broken in a place Time and Space could not Mend
So im going to Learn to Fly Selflessly Instead
Darling, I'm going to Love the World as God had Meant.
- Your's Truly, Sam I Am