”My Earth”
By: Nigel Harris
With an essence of Nina Simone a body made of Chrome
She aint addicted to her Phone
Cuz her godbody's her Home
Dome painted of current visions of our nights Alone
Melanin..in layers makes me more than wanna Lay her
A heart Slayer but truth sayer. She's my hearts #1 Saviour
Tasteful accent from her body is my favorite flavor.
31 reasons Her beauty is second to none & more than I can savor. What a season
Something major.
captain of her ship
Righted through a canal that sank ships
But loose lips always make me crack a smile
its Been a while So thats a trip
Her moves are agile but its her own heart that turns flips.
my heart's her turnstile directed by her hips
Gladly walking that long mile for her fingertips